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Laser Hair Removal

Conveniently located to serve Arcadia, CA, and surrounding areas

Convenience and long-lasting hair removal results are just two reasons that patients undergo laser hair removal. This treatment can get rid of unwanted facial and body hair, so you no longer need to resort to waxing, shaving, or plucking. For more details on what laser hair removal in Arcadia can offer, contact La Bella Laser & Slimming.


Ideal Candidates

Patients who want to get rid of unwanted hair in a semi-permanent manner and without having to put up with the discomfort of plucking or waxing can be candidates for laser hair removal. This treatment is most effective when a patient has light skin and dark hair.


Treatment Cost

Several factors can affect the cost of laser hair removal, including the number of treatment areas and the size of the treatment area(s). To learn more about the price of this procedure, patients can bring up the subject during the consultation.


Treatment areas

This treatment can remove hair in many areas of the body, including the armpits, legs, chest, and even the upper lip.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Our hair removal experts can use advanced laser technology to slow and prevent hair growth. The laser device is used to target hair follicles, disrupting the growth cycle. Laser hair removal is a popular treatment for several reasons. Unlike conventional methods of hair removal, which must be performed frequently, laser hair removal can keep the treatment site hair-free for months. Laser hair removal is also appealing to many patients who are prone to ingrown hairs, experience redness and irritation from shaving, and/or find plucking and waxing painful.

Laser Hair Removal before and after photo by La Bella Laser & Slimming Inc. in Arcadia, CAWatch Video

“I enjoyed every second of my laser hair removal today. It was super quick and easy. The staff was super friendly and I can’t wait to see the final results! Thank you La Bella”

Your Consultation

Patients considering laser hair removal treatments are encouraged to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. The consultation allows us to assess the area(s) you want to treat, learn about your desired outcome, and address any concerns you may have. To ensure that laser hair removal is a safe option for you, you will also need to provide information regarding your medical history and any medications you are currently taking.

Your Laser Hair Removal Session

Laser hair removal treatments are done in-office. Small areas can be treated in as little as 15 minutes, while larger treatment areas may require an hour or more.

During the procedure, the laser device is guided across the surface of the treatment site. The laser energy will penetrate the skin and target the patient’s hair follicles. Patients may feel snapping, pinching, and/or warm sensations during treatment.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare

Following laser hair removal, patients can expect some redness around the affected areas and some mild swelling. This will only last for a few hours, which is the extent of the recovery period. To help with the discomfort, patients can apply ice packs, as directed by our laser hair removal expert.

Book a Consultation

During your personalized consultation, we will check your medical history, examine your trouble areas, and ask about your aesthetic goals. We will tell you about the details of the treatment and will be happy to answer any questions. Contact La Bella Laser & Slimming to book your consultation.