The Treatment Process
Phase 1: Intensive Depigmentation
Your treatment specialist will cleanse the area with a gauze and lukewarm water and apply a protector to protect the mucosa, labia minora and outer area. The dermamelan® intimate peeling will be applied over the areas to be treated, followed by a post-peel neutralizing spray and the dermalmelan intimate mask over the area to be treated. Finally an occulsive film will be placed over the treatment area, and then you may return home.
Phase 2: Regulation of Hyperpigmentation
Remove dermamelan® intimate occlusive film and dermamelan® intimate mask after two hours following application at the clinic, using plenty of lukewarm water. Apply post-procedure crystal fiber intimate mask over the area treated and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Forty-eight hours after the end of the procedure at the clinic, apply one or two pulses of dermamelan® intimate home depigmenting gel cream to cover completely and evenly the area to be treated.
Arrange a Consultation
Learn more about the benefits of dermamelan® intimate depigmentation. Contact La Bella Laser & Slimming to schedule your consultation today.